Friday, March 28, 2014

Guide to the Parkdale library branch of the Toronto Public Library


The Toronto Public Library (TPL) is a public library system based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  It is the largest public library system in Canada and in 2008 had averaged a higher circulation per capita than any other public library system internationally, making it the largest neighbourhood-based library system in the world.  Within North America, it also had the highest circulation and visitors when compared to other large urban systems.  Established as the library of the Mechanics' Institute in 1830, the Toronto Public Library now consists of 98 branch libraries and has over 12 million items in its collection.

All 98 library branches differ according to their location.  Better libraries tend to be in wealthy neighbourhoods, and the worst branches are in poor areas.  The very worst branch is the Parkdale library located at 1303 Queen Street West at Cowan Ave. This neighbourhood does have some decent people and homes, but the Parkdale area is notorious for its poverty,
homeless people, drug addicts, the mentally ill, prostitutes, and other undesirables.

Parkdale Library is primarily a drop-in centre for the poor and homeless.  Patrons can use internet computers for free, and loan DVD movies and CDs with a library card.  There are shelves of books but virtually nobody is interested in them.  Like other libraries, patrons can place a "hold" on a book, DVD, or CD at another library, and it will be shipped to Parkdale.  Most visitors use the computers or sit in comfortable areas to read magazines.  The place is not really a library.  It is a drop-in centre for the poor.

Because of the demographics, the Parkdale library has a security guard on duty at all times.  Other branch libraries rarely have security guards.  The staff seem pleasant enough, but some are incompetent, dishonest, and they tend to be suspicious and paranoid of library patrons.  All staff support the gross injustice inflicted on innocent patrons of the library.  Bureaucrats demonize the innocent poor, and the staff must support it or they will be fired.  It's a common form of evil corruption in Toorotten. 

This is not a typical example, but one friendly Parkdale librarian was somewhat "hip".  He used the word "bullshit" when speaking to me.  When I told him it was inappropriate, he said it was OK.  I am certain that patrons have been banned from the Parkdale library for using the same word.  This librarian also told me he got "high" on "narcotic drugs" to watch the movie "Cool World".  I was not impressed by his indiscretion and professionalism.

About 10 years ago I made a complaint about a librarian who was always late for work.  He was the one who unlocked the front doors, so patrons had to wait and wait and wait.  The Head Librarian at the time decided to punish me for complaining, and the cunt banned me from Toronto Public Libraries.  She sent her private army of security guards to my home.  They impersonated police officers!  It was the only way they could get in.  I complained loudly to all MPs in Canada and all MPPs in Ontario about the TPL police impersonation crime.  The Head Librarian was named Josephine Bryant.  Fortunately the criminal scumbag has retired and I will celebrate her death.

The library building contains the office of the elected city councillor for Parkdale.  There is also an immigration help centre connected to the Parkdale Community Information Cente (PCIC) in the library.  A few other library branches have Information Centres, but the one in Parkdale Library is the only permanent one.  The other branches with centres share them seasonally using library space.

The Parkdale Community Information Centre lists these services:

* Community information and referral
* Assistance filling out government forms
* Problem solving
* Help in communicating with other agencies or government offices by phone or in writing
* Seasonal income tax clinic
* Housing help service
* Participates in Community Access Program (CAP): free Internet access
* Newcomer youth programs
* Immigration Settlement and Adaptation Program (ISAP) for adults and youth
* Citizenship test preparation classes

The Parkdale Community Information Cente has been in existence for over 30 years and the charitable organization is funded by:

* United Way of Greater Toronto
* The Ontario Trillium Foundation
* Toronto Public Library
* City of Toronto Community Services Grants Program
* Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture, and Recreation
* Human Resources Development Canada Summer Career Placement Program
* Industry Canada - Urban Community Access Program
* Ontario Network - Canada Volunteerism Initiative funded through the Department of Canadian Heritage
* The Bickell Foundation

Every spring the Parkdale Community Information Centre has a free Income Tax Clinic.  Volunteers from the Certified General Accountants of Ontario do the income tax forms and other volunteers generally screw up and get in the way.  I had my tax return done at Parkdale on March 22, 2014.  My volunteer did a wonderful job on my tax form, but we were interrupted by a silly immature little girl volunteer who came in the room and demanded that I leave.  She said "We have to keep things moving along."  I had an appointment, but my tax return was not finished.  It was incomplete because of the incompetent volunteer.

I phoned the Income Tax Clinic organizer named "Katy" and left a message complaining about the incompetent volunteer who prevented my income tax form from being completed.

A few days later two Toronto Police officers came to my door.  They were sent by the malignant fascist cunt "Katie" who falsely claimed I had "threatened" her and I was guilty of "criminal harassment".  No.  I did not threaten anyone, I left a message complaining about incompetence.  The abuse of her position to punish me by wasting police resources is criminal persecution. Everybody knows the motherfucking cops in Toorotten, Rottentario are completely corrupt fascist idiots.

Crazy "Katie" will not reveal her last name.  The police will not divulge her last name.  The library will not disclose her last name.  You cannot criminally demonize and persecute innocent victims and remain anonymous.  Until I find her name, she will be called Katie Shithead, the cowardly sadistic fascist asshole.  As God is my witness, I will destroy Katie the Nazi cunt in writing and enjoy it.  As long as this fascist swine is alive I will attack her in writing.  I wish a slow and painful death for the evil monster.

Why is Katie Shithead still alloweed to inflict her evil persecution on other innocent victims?  Why is this malignant swine still alive?  I wish Katie Shithead a very slow and very painful death starting right now and lasting at least a year.  Then the evil malignant cunt can rot in Hell where she belongs.

It gets worse.  The evil manager of the Parkdale Library Lisa Moron fabricated some bullshit about me being abusive with staff at Parkdale library.  She has banned me from the worst shit hole in Toorotten.  The crazy cunt!  Read the above paragraph about the Parkdale librarian who told me he gets "high" on "narcotic drugs".  Another Parkdale librarian gave me over a dozen blow jobs.  Not in the library, of course.  It's just to illustrate that the Parkdale librarians like me, trust me, and we get along just fine.  It's the corrupt bureaucratic fascists like Lisa Moron who are the problem. 
They should all be burned at the stake, because they are evil, sadistic, destructive, and cannot be rehabilitated.   

If you use the Parkdale Library you definitely risk being demonized by evil cunts and shitheads like Crazy "Katie" and Lisa Moron.  They will fabricate outrageous lies about you, the fictional bullshit will be part of your TPL record forever, and you will be banned and harassed by TPL security guards and the Toronto Police.  One of the prime characteristics of Toorotten is that the arrogant, corrupt, and sadistic bureaucrats routinely create "reality" out of bullshit defamation to punish the innocent poor.  It's how they get their kicks.  They are well beyond sadism, bullshit, and criminality.  Six feet under is where they belong. 

Although the City of Toronto runs on complaints, the poor are not allowed to complain about anything.  If you are not wealthy or powerful in Toorotten, you will be punished if you complain.  Elitist pigs will fabricate bullshit about you to justify your punishment and will swear their lies are the truth.  At Parkdale Library and the Parkdale Community Information Centre that's what you can expect if you dare complain about their incompetence, fascism, and corruption.  You will be treated like a mentally ill child.    

The criminal motherfuckers currently get away with murder, as do the wealthy.  These evil scumbags never harass the rich, only the poor.  But it was idiotic for them to fuck with me because I will completely destroy Crazy "Katie" once I find her name, and do the same for Lisa Moron.  They are both diabolical monsters and bullshitters and they have been exposed.  File them under: Better Off Dead. 

I also complained to Head Librarian Jane Pyper and another bureaucrat named Anne Bailey.  They are corrupt and arrogant cunts I want dead because they supported the criminal persecution of me by the Parkdale Community Information Centre.  The motherfuckers behave like graduates of the The Little Miss Manners Charm School, but if you rip off their plastic masks they have the humanity of fucking reptiles and insects.  Yes, these females are motherfuckers: lesbians who fuck their mothers.  You can only find evil fascist scumbags like Pyper and Bailey in a  shit hole like Toorotten, Rottentario, Canacaca.  They are criminal untermenschen (sub-human) and they deserve slow and painful deaths for their crimes.  Sorry, but I will not tolerate assholes and malignant swine who fuck with me.  I destroy them!  My library card has been disposed of because it is far too dangerous to use the motherfucking sleazy Toorotten libraries.  The entire shitty city is too dangerous. 

DO NOT USE THE PARKDALE LIBRARY UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE PERSECUTED BY MOTHERFUCKING CRIMINAL SCUMBAGS. About 10 years ago someone spray painted Swastikas all over the Parkdale Library.  The library had the paint removed quickly, but in the next few months there was a tremendous amount of graffiti and damage inflicted on the building by disgruntled residents of Parkdale.  Generally people in Parkdale hate the sleazy Parkdale Library.

If you have money, go where people with money go.  If you have money and go to the motherfucking Parkdale library you will be treated like the other patrons, who are poor, homeless, mentally ill drug addicts and prostitutes.  That's how you will be treated.  If you complain, lies about you will be fabricated and the police will be sent to your home.  At least they now send real police, whereas previously the fucking TPL sent its army of security guards illegally impersonating the police.

Parkdale Library is simply too dangerous for you or anybody to visit.  If you must use a library, go to one in a respectable neighbourhood, but it would be better to just buy the books you want.  All TPL libraries are dangerous.  You are at the mercy of arrogant motherfucking assholes who will fabricate lies about you and ban you from their shitty Mickey Mouse libraries.  Furthermore, writers have to make a living and public libraries make it impossible for them to do so.

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